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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

First Country of the Month!

The first featured country will be.....

Drum roll please...



Flag stylings by my husband B. :o)

The Czech Republic!

I didn't have any postcards coming my way last week so I took the alternate route and requested an address from Postcrossing to send a card to*. And so we have the first country of the month!

I'm very excited about the Czech Republic as I've wanted to go to Prague since I was a teenager and saw the video for INXS's "Never Tear Me Apart”, which if you're familiar with it - and if you're not, go watch it now :) - takes place in a very beautiful, romantic Prague.

I'm also old enough to remember the Velvet Revolution and was so pleased when a poet - Vaclav Havel - became their first democratic president.
More recently through Postcrossing and through the move of one of my FB friends to Brno (Ola Marilia! :o) [does a little wave]), I've become a tiny bit more acquainted with the country, but really, only a scooch.

So I'm very much looking forward to trying out some yummy food, learning some history, czecking out some books - haha, i crack myself up - and anything else I can find to do in the NYC area and at home that's Czech related.

I'll post after I complete any of the various activities that I'm able to find, but there won't be a set amount of postings. But at least once a week I'll report on how my trip to all that is Czech is going :)

Bon Voyage to me!
*Card I sent Lucie in Zdanice in the Czech Republic